Notice is hereby given that the Town of Etna Green, Indiana, by and through its Town Council, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, will receive sealed bid proposals for the following: Hot Mixed Asphalt Paving and ADA Crossings Project 2022-1, Community Crossing Matching Grant Award:
Spring St. from SR 19 To Elm St.
Pearl St. from SR 19 to High St.
General plans, detailed bidding instructions and bidding template will be available in the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office at 106 S. Walnut, Etna Green, IN 46524. For in person pickup, available hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For specific project questions, contact Andrew L. Cook at 574-305-0898 or
Work includes the construction and/or improvements of existing roadways including roadway removal and replacement, surface milling/asphalt overlay, drainage improvements, linear grading, site grading, and site restoration. Also included is all paint striping, directional turn arrows, railroad crossing symbols, and fire station warning symbol.
Bids will be received by the Town of Etna Green, Clerk-Treasurer’s Office, at 106 S. Walnut Street/PO Box 183, Etna Green, IN 46524 until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 14th, 2022. They may be delivered in person to the Town Hall, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. All bids shall be in an opaque, sealed envelope bearing the Project title, “TOWN OF ETNA GREEN: 2022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS” and include the name and address of the bidder. Bidders are responsible for the timely delivery and completeness of their bids.
Bids shall be opened and read aloud at the Etna Green Town Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 14th at 7:00 pm in the Etna Green Town Hall. Bids will be evaluated, and it is the intent that an award will be made at the Town Council Meeting or at a subsequent regular or special Town Council meeting.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid, or all bids, or to accept any bid or bids, or to make combination of bids as may seem desirable, and to waive any and all irregularities in the bidding.
Dated this 27th day of April 2022
Patricia Cook, Clerk-Treasurer