Pursuant to I.C. 36-1-11-4 and I.C. 5-3-1-2(e), notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Kosciusko County (“Commissioners”) will hold a public auction through Hahn Auctioneers, Inc. from January 5, 2024, to January 25, 2024, via online bidding, including absentee and telephone bids, conducted by Hahn Auctioneers at https://hahnrealtyandauction.com/auction/ to offer for sale the following real property (“Real Property”):
Vacant land located at the Southeast corner of the intersection of County Road 900 S and Smalley Lane with the Kosciusko County Parcel ID of 025-082-002.A, Tax Bill ID: 025-708006-54, State ID: 43-14-33-400-004.000-021 and further described as follows:
Lots Numbered 30, 31 and 32 in the First Addition to Northcrest Addition on Beaver Dam Lake, which addition is located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 31 North, Range 5 East in Seward Township, and the plat for which addition is recorded in Plat Book 5, page 59 as Instrument Number 12283 in the Recorder’s office at Kosciusko County, Indiana.
The minimum bid determined by the Commissioners for the Real Property shall be $5,000.00. Bids starting at the minimum bid will be received at the auction, and the auction will continue until the highest bidder at or above the minimum bid is determined. The Real Property will be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to the form of the purchase agreement (“Purchase Agreement”), sales disclosure (“Sales Disclosure”), and deed (“Deed”) on file with the Commissioners, a copy of which may be reviewed and obtained at the office of the Kosciusko County Administrator, 100 W. Center Street, Warsaw, IN. 46580 prior to the auction. Bids may not be subject to inspection of the Real Property, obtaining financing to purchase the Real Property or any other conditions. The Real Property will be sold “AS IS”.
Buyer shall sign the Purchase Agreement and Sales Disclosure on January 25, 2024, upon the end of auction, and provide the same to Hahn Auctioneers or to the Kosciusko County Administrator, as directed by Hahn Auctioneers. Buyer shall deliver the purchase price by cashier’s check to either Hahn Auctioneers or to the Kosciusko County Administrator, as directed by Hahn Auctioneers, by the end of business on January 26, 2024. The Commissioners will approve and sign the Purchase Agreement, the Deed, and the Sales Disclosure at the January 30, 2024, Commissioners’ meeting. The Commissioners will record the Deed along with submitting the Sales Disclosure and pay for recording and transfer fees. A copy of the recorded Deed shall be sent to the Buyer once recorded. The Buyer shall inform the Kosciusko County Administrator where the recorded Deed shall be sent.
The Real Property may not be sold to a person who is ineligible under I.C. 36-1-11-16. A bid submitted by a trust (as defined in I.C. 30-4-1-1(a)) must identify each: (A) beneficiary of the trust; and (B) settlor empowered to revoke or modify the trust. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any bid made by an ineligible person or any trust which fails to provide the required identifying information. The Commissioners reserve the right to terminate the Purchase Agreement entered into by the Commissioners with any ineligible person or any trust which fails to provide the required identifying information.
The auction and any subsequent sale of the Real Property shall be conducted pursuant to and subject to the requirements of the laws of the State of Indiana which govern the disposal of real property by political subdivisions and their agencies, including, but not limited to, I.C. 36-1-11, et seq.