To: Residents of Kosciusko County, Indiana

You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of September, 2024 at 9:15 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Hearing Room, 2nd floor, Courthouse, 100 West Center Street, Warsaw, Indiana, the Board of Commissioners of Kosciusko County will conduct a hearing in regard to a petition filed by John M. Riportella and Edie A. Riportella for vacation of a Public Way, within the limits of Kosciusko County, Indiana, to-wit:

Part of Northside Road in Camden’s Addition to El-Nel Park on Big Barbee Lake, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 33 North, Range 7 East, Kosciusko County, Indiana (This description prepared by Kevin R. Michel, LS80870006, as part of original survey RM-177 completed by J.K. Walker & Associates. P.C., dated July 22, 2024), being more particularly described as follows, to wit:

BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of Lot Number 1 in Gesaman Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 6, page 75 in the records of Kosciusko County, Indiana, thence S00˚-54’-00”E (GPS Grid bearing and used as the basis of bearings for this description), on and along the West line of said Lot Number 1, a distance of 24.40 feet to the Northeast corner of a certain 0.12 acre tract of land recorded as Tract II in Document Number 2021040650 in said records; thence S88˚-45’-00”W, on and along the North line of said 0.12 acre tract of land, a distance of 42.60 feet to a 5/8-inch iron pin capped “Walker” at the Northwest corner of said 0.12 acre tract of land; thence N01˚-27’-00”W, on and the Northerly projection of the West line of said 0.12 acre tract of land, a distance of 24.34 feet to a 5/8-inch iron pin capped “Walker” at the point of intersection with the Westerly projection of the North line of said Lot Number 1 in Gesaman Subdivision; thence N88˚-40’-13”E, on and along said Westerly projection, a distance of 42.83 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.02 acres of land, more or less, subject to legal right-of-way for EMS B27 Lane, subject to all legal drain easements and all other easements of record.

Rhonda J. Helser
Auditor, Kosciusko County, Indiana