Notice is hereby given that Kosciusko County, by and through its Board of County Commissioners, will receive sealed bids for the construction and resurfacing of:

Packerton Rd. – South County Line to CR 800 S
Armstrong Rd. – Brown Road to Bridge in Oswego
N Warner Rd. – Cornelius Road to Eli Lilly Road
Eli Lilly Rd. – Wamer Road to Seth Ward Road
Chapman Lake Rd. – CR 250 N to EMS C19
Chapman Lake Rd. – EMS C19 to CR 325 E
EMS C 19 Lane – Chapman Lake Dr. to EMS C 19C Ln.
EMS C 19C Lane – EMS C19 Ln. to EMS C 19B Ln.
EMS C 19B Lane – EMS C19C Ln. to EMS C19 Ln.
EMS C 19A Lane – EMS C19 Ln. to Dead End
CR 700 S- CR 100 W to County Farm Road

Sealed proposals will be received at the Auditors Office, 100 West Center Street, Warsaw, Indiana 46580 until 9:00 am (Local Time) on the 11th of February, 2025.

Proposal shall be submitted using for each the attached itemized unit price bid sheet for each road along with the Bid Summary sheet furnished by Kosciusko County which shall be attached to a properly and completely executed Indiana Bid Form 96 (Revised 2013) accompanied by the Contractor’s Financial Statement form taken from Form 96A.

Bids will be accepted only from bidders who are sufficiently and currently pre-qualified by the Indiana Department of Transportation. Proof of pre-qualification must be submitted with each bid.
All proposals will then be publicly opened and read aloud by the County Commissioners at 9:15 am, February 11th, 2025. Any proposals received after the above designated time will be returned unopened.

The contract documents, including specifications, are on file in the office of the Kosciusko County Highway Department, 2936 East Old Road 30, Warsaw, Indiana 46582 for review.

Security: Any person, firm or corporation who submits a proposal must file with their bid a certified check, bank draft, cashier’s check, or money order issued by a financial institution insured by an agency of the United States in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid, made payable to the Treasurer of Kosciusko County. In lieu of the above, any person, firm or corporation who submits a proposal and has a principal place of business in the state of Indiana may file with their proposal a bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid, made payable to the Board of Commissioners of Kosciusko County.

Proposals may be held by the Board of Commissioners for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the public opening,

The successful contractor will be required to furnish a performance and payment bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price within ten days after the award of the contract and a two (2) year maintenance bond in the amount of thirty percent (30%) of the contract price prior to the completion and final payment of the contract.

No contractor may withdraw their proposal within sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

The Kosciusko County Highway Department reserves the right to ask for clarification for any bid submitted. The specification herein states the minimum requirements of the Kosciusko County Highway Department. It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to carefully examine each item of the specifications. Any bid not in substantial compliance with these specifications will be rejected. It will be the responsibility of the bidder to conform to the requirements unless deviations have been specifically cited by the bidder and acceptance made on the basis of the exception.

Bids will be awarded also based on Kosciusko County being awarded Community Crossing 50/50 Grant Matching Funds from INDOT for the above listed projects.

The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any proposal to waive technicalities or irregularities therein, to delete any bid item or items and to award a contract on the proposal that in their judgment is most advantageous to Kosciusko County.

Alyssa Schmucker, Kosciusko County Auditor