Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Kosciusko County, Indiana, that the County Council of said County will meet at the Kosciusko County Courthouse, 100 W Center Street, 3rd Floor Courtroom, Warsaw, Indiana at 6:00 PM on February 9, 2023 to consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year:

 Juvenile Probation User Fees

2050-11121-000-0000       2nd Probation Officer                                           $12,500.00

2050-11196-000-0000       9th Probation Officer                                           $12,500.00          

 ARPA – American Rescue Plan Act

 8950-38051-000-0000       ARP CPD Radio Enhancement                         $32,992.00

8950-38052-000-0000       ARP Beaman Home Upgrade Grant                 $37,067.00

8950-38053-000-0000       ARP CCS Transit Grant                                      $18,860.00         

8950-38054-000-0000       ARP SPD Programming Radio Syst                 $14,141.00

8950-38055-000-0000       ARP Milford Radio Enhancement                 $18,458.00

8950-38056-000-0000       ARP KCSO Communication Radios               $154,273.00

Senior Prosecutor HUB Grant

9001-11706-000-0000       Grant Salaries                                             $4,800.00            

9001-11601-000-0000       Social Security/Medicare                                    $384.00               

9001-11602-000-0000       Retirement Contrib.                                             $562.00               

9001-31059-000-0000       Operating Expenses                                             $8,115.00


Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard.  The additional appropriation when finally approved will be referred to the Local Government Board of Finance.  The Board will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a certified copy of the action taken.


Rhonda Helser, Auditor

Kosciusko County