State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program Categorical Exclusion (CE):
Town of Milford, Kosciusko County, Van Buren Township, PER: Master Utility
Study; SRF Project DW 24 22 43 01.
To all interested parties: this is notification that the Town of Milford Master Utility
Study project is categorically excluded from substantive environmental review. The
SRF is submitting the CE for public notice.
The Town of Milford is facing several drinking water challenges. Parts of the dis-
tribution system contain lead service lines. Dead-end water mains cause stagnant,
poor-quality water and low pressure in areas of Milford’s distribution system. High
iron and manganese concentrations cause staining, taste, and odors that result in
low customer satisfaction and damage to water meters and household plumbing.
Additionally, insufficient mixing in the Town’s storage tank causes water to stagnate,
contributing to the Town’s water quality problems. The proposed project includes
installation of new water mains to provide looping, replacement of lead service
lines, installation of a packaged filtration system, construction of a filtration and
equipment storage building, and installation of a backup generator and mixer at the
existing elevated storage tank.
Total cost of this project is estimated to be approximately $6,909,375. The Town
will finance the project with a loan from the Drinking Water SRF Loan Program
for a term and annual fixed interest rate to be determined at loan closing. Monthly
user rates and charges may need to be analyzed to determine if adjustments are
required for loan repayment.
The documentation supporting this CE is available for review at the following
121 South Main St., Milford, IN 46542;
Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, SRF Loan Pro-
grams, Room 1275,
Indianapolis, Indiana, Weekdays, 9 am-3:30 pm;
and at
If you have questions, please contact Jenni Curry, 463-261-6943 or jecurry@