Public Notification of Pollutant Minimization Program Plan (PMPP) Permit Renewal
The Town of Syracuse owns and operates a major municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) located at #1 Conrad Street, Syracuse, Indiana, Kosciusko County. The WWTP discharges treated effluent to Turkey Creek under the authority on the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. IN0021172. The Town’s WWTP is designed to treat an average of 1.05 Million Gallons Day (MGD). As required under 327 IAC 5-3. 5-9, Syracuse has prepared a Pollutant Minimization Program Plan (PMPP Renewal Permit for Mercury. The PMPP is Required to be submitted as part of the Streamlined Mercury Variance (SMV) renewal application to IDEM. The SMV renewal application is available to any facility with an effective NPDES permit that contains a Water Quality Based Effluent Limitation (WQBEL) for mercury that cannot be consistently achieved. The PMPP within the SMV application renewal provides the foundation for the development and implementation of a Pollutant Minimization Program (PMP), which includes: 1) identifying known mercury containing processes and equipment and 2) identifying potential sources of mercury loadings in the influent. The PMPP contains planned activities to eliminate or minimize the potential release of mercury to waters of the state and to eliminate or reduce loadings in the WWTP influent. For each planned activity there is a goal, a way to measure attainment of the goal and schedule to implement the goal. The purpose of this notice is to provide3 the general public the opportunity to review and comment on the draft PMPP before it is finalized and submitted to IDEM. Interested persons may obtain a copy of the draft PMPP by contacting Mark W. Aurich, Director of Public Works, #1 Conrad Street, Syracuse, Indiana 46567 or by phone (574) 451-3229. Comments must be postmarked by November 7th, 2022, addressed and sent to the contact and mailing address shown above.