RE: 10 EMS W29 Lane
North Webster, IN 46555


COMES NOW the hour set for hearing in regards to the Order to Demolish and Remove Unsafe Building issued by the Enforcement Authority for Kosciusko County regarding property commonly known as 10 EMS W29 Lane, North Webster, IN 46555. The Kosciusko County Health Department, appears by William F. Baxter and Attorney Adam D. Turner. No party appears in opposition to the Order. The Health Department presents its evidence and arguments.

The Hearing Authority FINDS that the property commonly known as 10 EMS W29 Lane, North Webster, IN 46555, is owned by Garry Hackworth.

The Hearing Authority FINDS that Order to Demolish and Remove Unsafe Building issued by the Health Department was served with the Order to Demolish and Remove Unsafe Building by certified mail, publication and also by posting at the property in compliance with IC 36-7-9-25(A)(3).

The Hearing Authority FINDS that the structure located at 10 EMS W29 Lane, North Webster, IN 46555, is unsafe, may not feasibly be rehabilitated, and should be demolished.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Order to Demolish and Remove Unsafe Building issued by the Enforcement Authority regarding the property commonly known as 10 EMS W29 Lane, North Webster, IN 46555 is hereby AFFIRMED.
Dated: November 22, 2022

Lee Ann Taylor, Hearing Authority for Kosciusko County