Property owners, rate payers and other interested parties in, served by or to be served by the Town of Silver Lake, Indiana, are hereby notified that Ordinance No. 06-01-22, establishing rates and charges for services to be rendered by the Town’s Water Utility, was introduced at a meeting of the Town Council held on June 8, 2022. At a meeting of the Town Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on July 13, 2022, in the Town Hall, 604 N. Jefferson Street, Silver Lake, Indiana, 46982, there will be a public hearing on the matter of the rates and charges and consideration of adoption of said Ordinance No. 06-01-22, which provides in part as follows:
Section 1: Ordinance No. 04-02-15, is amended to reflect:
(a) Metered Rates Per Month Per 1,000 Gallons
First 2,000 gallons $12.79
Next 4,000 gallons 10.10
Next 14,000 gallons 7.54
Over 20,000 gallons 5.34
(b) Minimum Charge
Each user shall pay a minimum charge in accordance with the following applicable size of meter installed, for which the user will
be entitled to the quantity of water set out in the above schedule of rates.
Size of Meter Minimum Monthly Rate
5/8” – 3/4” meter $25.58
1” meter 37.58
1 1/2” meter 52.57
2” meter 74.90
3” meter 112.50
4” meter 224.69
6” meter 374.40
(c) Unmetered Users
For each user of the system that does not have a water meter installed,
there shall be a monthly charge as follows: $45.90
(d) Fire Hydrants
Private hydrants – per hydrant – per annum $1,139.85
Surcharge for users receiving service outside Town corporate limits (per monthly bill) $6.70
(e) Private Fire Protection – Per Annum
(Extinguishing Fires Only) Per connection $1,899.60
(f) Public Hydrant Surcharge
Size of Meter Monthly Surcharge
5/8” – 3/4” meter $6.15
1” meter 15.37
1 1/2” meter 30.70
2” meter 49.13
3” meter 92.11
4” meter 153.55
6” meter 307.07
At such hearing and prior to final adoption of said Ordinance, all interested parties may appear and be heard. A copy of Ordinance No. 06-01-22 may be examined at the office of the Clerk-Treasurer, 604 N. Jefferson Street, Silver Lake, Indiana, 46982.
Dated this 20th day of June, 2022.
Tonya Conley, Clerk-Treasurer