To the voters of Kosciusko County:
You are notified that the Election Division of the Office of Secretary of State of Indiana has determined that a proposed order by the Kosciusko County Board of Commissioners to change certain precinct boundaries within the county would comply with state law, and that the Election Division has notified the Commissioners that precinct boundaries may be established in accordance with the county’s proposed order. The boundaries of the following existing precincts would be changed by the adoption of the county’s proposed order:
City of Warsaw Precincts:
Ward 1 Precinct 1
Ward 1 Precinct 2
Ward 3 Precinct 2
Ward 4 Precinct 1
Ward 5 Precinct 1
Wayne 11
Creation of the following precincts: Ward 4 Precinct 2 and Ward 5 Precinct 2
Elimination of the following precinct: Ward 1 Precinct 4, which was split in to Ward 5 Precinct 2 and Ward 1 Precinct 2.
Any registered voter of this county may object to the county’s proposed order by filing a sworn statement with the Election Division. This statement must set forth the voter’s specific objection to the proposed order, and request that a hearing be conducted by the Indiana Election Commission under the Administrative Orders and Procedures Act (Indiana Code 4-21.5)
The mailing address of the Election Division is as follows:
Election Division of the Indiana Secretary of State
302 W. Washington St., Room E204
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2743
Any objection to the proposed order must be filed with the Election Division no later than noon, Indianapolis time on January 23, 2023. A complete copy of the county’s proposed order is available for public inspection and copying in the office of the
Kosciusko Circuit Court Clerk and Election Division.
The Kosciusko County Board of Commissioners