Local Beginning Cash Ending Cash
Fund & Inv. Balances & Inv. Balances
Number Local Fund Name January 1, 2022 Receipts Disbursements December 31, 2022
Governmental Activities
01 Levy Excess $0.00 $277.00 $0.00 $277.00
1 Emergency Medical Services 46,322.86 12,380.19 7,051.00 51,652.05
2 Fire Fighting 113,303.28 56,857.14 57,578.00 112,582.42
4 Park And Recreation 36,472.79 3,185.20 6,800.00 32,857.99
5 Rainy Day 22,013.96 0.00 7,320.00 14,693.96
6 Township 63,430.27 46,175.96 20,438.26 89,167.97
7 Township Assistance 62,282.76 4,339.81 7,423.62 59,198.95
__________ __________ __________ __________
Total All Funds $343,825.92 $123,215.30 $106,610.88 $360,430.34
PLEASE NOTE: A complete abstract that contains the statement of receipts, showing their source; and a statement of expenditures, showing the combined gross payment; according to classification of expense to each person is available for inspection in the County Auditor’s Office.
I, Trillia Gearhart, Trustee of Franklin Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana, do solemnly affirm under the penalty of perjury that the preceding report contains the information required by Indiana Code 36-6-4-13, and is, true and correct; that the amounts with which I am charged in this report are all of the amounts received by me; and that the various items of expenditures credited have been fully paid in the sums stated; that such payments were made without express or implied agreement that any portion thereof shall be retained by or repaid to me or to any other person. A complete abstract that contains the statements required under Indiana Code 36-6-4-13(a)(5) and (a)(6) is available for inspection in the county auditor’s office.
I further affirm that a complete and detailed annual report, together with all accompanying vouchers showing the names of persons having been paid money by the township, have been filed as required by law in the office of the County Auditor, and that copies of such annual report are in custody of the Township Board and the State Board of Accounts. Said report is subject to inspection by any taxpayer of the township.
Trillia Gearhart, Franklin Township Trustee
Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) to before me, the Chairman of the Township Board of Franklin Township at its annual meeting, this 31st day of January, 2023.
Kayla Leininger, Franklin Township Board Chairman
This report was received, accepted, and approved by the Township Board at its annual meeting, this 31st day of January, 2023.
Franklin Township Board
James Eads Joe Secrist