Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received:

By: Board of Commissioners
Kosciusko County, Indiana
For: Kosciusko County Justice Center
Interior Renovations
1121 N. Lake Street
Warsaw, IN 46580
At: Kosciusko County Auditor’s Office
100 W. Center St.
Warsaw, IN 46580
Date: Monday, October 23rd, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time

All Bids received prior to the time and date noted above will be publicly opened and recorded as part of the October 24th County Commissioners Meeting at 9:00 AM – Location: Kosciusko County Court House – third floor.

Bids received after the noted time will remain unopened. All legal bids will be reviewed for compliance and a final selection shall be made public at the November 6th County Commissioners Meeting at 9:00 AM – Location: Kosciusko County Court House – third floor.

Bids shall be submitted on the forms provided by the Architect with all the blanks filled in. Bid Form and other documents required to be submitted in a sealed envelope with the heading, “BID – Kosciusko County Justice Center Interior Renovation”, and the Bidder’s company name and address. The Bid Envelope shall be addressed to the Kosciusko County Auditor’s Office.

Pre-bid Meeting: Thursday, October 5th, 2023 – 2:00 PM
At the Justice Center – 121 N. Lake Street)

The Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting will be led by the Architect to introduce the project to interested Bidders. The meeting will not be a detailed Q&A, but rather a brief walk through the scope of work and a chance to outline bidding procedures and expectations.

The format will allow multiple “prime” contractors for Flooring/Base and Painting/Wall Finishes. Bidders are allowed and encouraged to submit a combination bid as well.

Drawings Available to Bidders:

Drawings and bidding documents are being distributed Electronically via Eastern Engineering Plan Room: Hard copies may be purchased from Eastern Engineering at: 1239 North Wells Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46808. No other distribution of bid documents will take place. No additional plans and specifications will be available At the Pre-bid Meeting.

Each Bid must be accompanied by a bid security which shall not be less than five percent (5%) of the highest combination of the base bid plus all add alternates (if applicable) in the form required by the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. All bid bonds shall be made payable to the Kosciusko County Auditor and be executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Indiana.

The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any bid (or combination of bids) and to waive any irregularities in bidding. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) calendar days after the date set for bid opening.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish Performance and Payment Bond & Labor and Material Payment Bond for 100% of their contract amount prior to execution of contract. Bonds shall be in full force and effect for a period of at least 12 months after the date of final completion and acceptance of the longest guarantee provided under the contractor’s contract. Should the contractor’s bonding company default, the contractor will be responsible for securing a new bond within fourteen (14) calendar days. The COST OF THE BOND shall be included in the base bid.

Bidders shall comply with provisions related to pre-bid site visit and pre-bid site conference as set forth in the INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS.

In comparing bids, consideration will not be confined to price only. The successful bidder will be the one that is judged to best serve the interests of the Owner when price, product, safety, quality and delivery are considered. It is the intention of the Owner to start work immediately the contractor has been selected and contracts have been prepared and signed.

Bid Proposal shall be executed in a complete manner on the bid form provided in the project manual and on State Forms 96.

Description of the Work:
The Kosciusko County Justice Center Interior Renovation project is a finishes upgrade project limited only to the interior of the existing justice center building. The scope includes removal of noted existing finishes, appropriate and applicable preparation of surfaces and substrates to receive new finishes and the relocation and reinstallation of existing furnishings as required to perform the work.

Areas of focus include three floors of the justice center (approximately 70,000 S.F.). Finishes being addressed include new carpeting and base, new LVT, new wall prep and painting of existing painted walls, existing wall covering removal and prep to receive new wall covering or new paint, limited wall protection and an alternate for window treatments.