To: Residents of Syracuse, Kosciusko County, Indiana
Cory J. Mast
Dawn Bowers
You are hereby notified that on the 21st day of November, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall, 310 N. Huntington Street, Syracuse, Indiana, the Town Council of Syracuse, Indiana will conduct a hearing in regard to a petition filed by H. Douglas Schrock and Jeannine B. Schrock as Trustees of the H. Douglas Schrock Trust and the Jeannine B. Schrock Trust, for vacation of an unimproved public way in the Plat of Potawatomi Heights to Syracuse Lake, within the corporate limits of Syracuse, Indiana and described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 18 in Potawatomi Heights thence northerly on extension of the west line of said lot thirty (30) feet, more or less to the north line of the public way; thence easterly on and along the north line of the public way to the northeast corner of the public way; thence southerly on and along the east line of the public way to the southeast corner of the public way and the northeast corner of Lot 19 in Potawatomi Heights; thence westerly on and along the north lines of said Lots 19 & 18 to the northwest corner of said Lot 18 and the place of beginning.
Virginia Cazier, Clerk Treasurer
Town of Syracuse, Indiana