Invitation to Bidders: Notice is hereby given that the Kosciusko County Commissioners is requesting sealed proposals for work comprised of the replacement of furniture to consist of stationary chairs for jury/public seating in the Circuit and Superior 1 Courtrooms. Also, the roller chairs at the defense and council tables as well as numerous side chairs for conference rooms, offices, etc as well as a set amount of lounge chairs for the lobbies. The project will generally include removal and installation of said chairs.

Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents: Please see attached listing for the description and number of chairs to be replaced in this process.

Pre-Bid Meeting: Will be held at 11:00 am local time on April 8, 2024 at Old Courthouse, Conference Room, County Administrator’s Office, Basement Floor, 100 West Center St., Warsaw, IN. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is highly encouraged but is not mandatory.

Bid Submittal: All bids must be submitted to the Owner at the address listed above by 9:00 am on April 23, 2024 to be considered for the work. Bids shall be submitted in an opaque sealed envelope marked with the project title and include the name and address of the Bidder. Bids arriving after the time set will be returned unopened and only complete bids with all required materials will be considered.

Review and Consideration: All bids timely received shall be publicly opened and read aloud during the Kosciusko County Commissioner’s meeting at 9:15 am on April 23, 2024. Kosciusko County, Indiana reserves the right to reject all bids, waive defects and amend the Project’s scope. It is anticipated that the Kosciusko County Commissioners will take bids received under advisement and that a determination may be made at the County Commissioners May 6, 2024 meeting.

Specifications: Specifications may be found by following this link:
https://www.kosciusko.in.gov/egov/documents/1711117809 96873.pdf

Alternately, specifications may be viewed in the County Administrator’s Office, Basement Floor, 100 West Center St., Warsaw, IN.

BY: Marsha Mcsherry
County Administrator Kosciusko County